Passionate Commitment

We can help you discover the secrets to attain – and retain – life-long intimacy with the one you love

Out Now! Enjoy! The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women

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Passionate Commitment

We can help you discover the secrets to attain – and retain – life-long intimacy with the one you love

Out Now! Enjoy! The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women

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Resources for Healthy Sexuality is the starting point for learning about Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner and the team of experienced and caring therapists at Penners, Loewen & Symingtons.

The Penners are internationally recognized for their work as sexual therapists and have authored more than a dozen books relating to sexual wholeness. Audiences across the country have packed out their seminars and speaking engagements.  Along with their associates, they offer direct, personal, and customized help to individuals through their therapy practice based in Pasadena, California.

This highly-experienced team is dedicated to helping people discover lasting happiness and freedom from the emotional pain of unhealthy thoughts, practices, and relationships.

They are all passionate about YOU developing a healthy, lasting, and passionate commitment with the one you love!

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More than



One Goal

A sexually healthy,

Every couple can negotiate a mutually satisfying sexual relationship.

- Dr. Cliff and Joyce Penner

from "What Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know About Sex"

Prepare for a Lifetime of Happiness with your Future Spouse

Achieve Deeper Intimacy in your Marriage

Obtain Guidance in Navigating Painful Sexual Issues

Newlyweds: Preparing for a Healthy MarriageOur therapists see clients with a variety of individual, relational and sexual issues.

The group deals with adults struggling with the following concerns:

  • Family of Origin Issues
  • Family Relationship & Life Transition Issues
  • Grief, Separation and Loss
  • Premarital Preparation
  • Marital Enhancement and Conflict Resolution
  • Unconsummated Marriages
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Sexual Addictions
  • Issues of Sexual Desire
  • Hormonal Imbalances (Assess & Refer)
  • Problems with Arousal and/or Orgasm
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress

You have helped us master new tools to stop negative patterns and nurture positive ones. I know we are still in process, but I am very satisfied that we have overcome barriers related to the politics of sexuality and our former approach/avoidance pattern.

Grateful Husband

A friend of mine gave me your book, Getting Your Sex Life Off To A Great Start, as a wedding present.  What a tremendous help!

Due to my past child sexual abuse, I was beginning to feel ashamed that people knew I have sex.  I was in counseling during the time and I believe the book helped me more than the counseling did.  I was no longer ashamed about having sex, knowing that God made it to be enjoyed and explored.  I also learned that it is expected of us to fulfill and enjoy our sexual relationship with our spouse.

No Longer Ashamed

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Let us know what’s on your mind; we’d love to hear from you.

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Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner

600 South Lake Avenue
Suite 507
Pasadena, CA 91106

Phone: 626-449-2525

FAX: 626-564-1250


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