Seminars and Talk Descriptions

Discovering Greater Passion & Intimacy In Your Marriage:
This is available as a 9-hour weekend seminar or a 6-hour Saturday-only seminar.
The Penners present, each spouse reflects by writing in a workbook, spouses share their reflections with each other – NEVER is an attendee asked to share with someone other than his/her partner. PRIVACY is respected!
Content: Couples will focus on many important factors which enhance intimacy in marriage
- Romance keeps couples connected
- Comfort with talking about sex is key to fulfilling dreams and resolving disappointments
- Sharing and being heard will keep intimacy growing
- Delighting in each other sexually relieves demand and brings enjoyment
- Sex will only be great when it is good for both
- Couples can make it work when it isn’t working
- Healing from past hurts is a must for passion in marriage
- Passion is more than physical
- Pleasure keeps the spark alive
Target Audience: Married Couples; Couples Planning for Marriage; Singles who want to learn about sex In marriage.

Enjoy the benefits of formal sex education with values in a setting that connects sexuality with spirituality.
This weekend seminar for preteens and their parents is typically held on a Friday evening and Saturday morning.
Content: Parents and preteens can expect to:
- build a new level of comfort in discussing sensitive issues within your family
- learn how our bodies grow, change and work sexually
- understand God-given sexual urges and why pleasure, unity and procreation are designed for marriage
- acquire effective tools for keeping the feelings alive while taking responsibility for your choices and actions
The reward for the Penners is watching the process of communication and closeness build between parents and their kids.
Target Audience: Preteens with their Parent(s) – typically 5th through 8th graders.
For Men and Women in all Stages of Life
- Embracing Male-Female Differences (1.5 to 3+ hours/as needed) – takes into account natural differences. As unique individuals and as different genders, we perceive love, life and sex differently. Yet, as we are able to approach our differences as assets to be negotiated rather than rights to fight for, we find those differences bring new energy to relationships.
- Helping Men and Women Affirm their Sexuality ( 3 hours) – validates our design as sexual persons.
For Married Couples
- Keeping the Spark Alive Through The Stages of Marriage (1.5 to 2+ hours) – addresses typical issues and how best to build, maintain and savor passion for newly marrieds, those in the middle years, and those is their wisdom years.
- Learning to have Fun and Play Together ( 1.5 hours) – counters the seriousness that has often invaded couples married bed by exploring new and creative ways to discover laughter and fun with each other.
- Men Make the Difference; Women Keep it Interesting (1.5 to 2+ hours) – the Penners share their key findings about men, women and sex in marriage. When couples apply these principles, they find their fulfillment has the potential to grow to a level that is better than they ever imagined.
- Pursuing Spiritual and Sexual Intimacy in Your Marriage (1.5 hours) – tackles the split our culture has perpetuated between our spirituality and sexuality and helps couples pursue these two dimensions of marriage in ways that are complementary.
- Ten/Twelve Keys to Greater Passion and Intimacy (1.5 hours) – a fun, popular, but helpful way to focus on pursuing a more fulfilling sex life in marriage.
- Affair Proofing Your Marriage (1.5 hours) – faces our vulnerability and leaves couples with clear approaches to strengthening their marriages against outside distractions.
- Low-Sex/No-Sex Marriages – Sparking the Ho-Hum/No-Hum Sex Life (2+ hours) – causes for decreased sex are extensively explored with specific recommendations for change and venues for finding the love, connection and passion so important to marriage.
For Women's Groups
- Living Life to the Fullest Sexually as a Wife and Mother (1.5 hours)
- Women and Sexual Satisfaction (2 hours)
- Women Freely Embrace Your Sexuality (2 hours)
- Women Healing from Past Hurts (1.5 hours)
For Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
- Warming up the Master Bedroom
- Are Real Moms Always Hot?
- Adventures in the Master Bedroom
- Teaching Kids about Sex
For Men's Groups
- The Way to Love Your Wife (2 hours)
For Singles
- Preparation for Marriage – Getting Your Sex Life Off to a Great Start (3 to 4 hours)
- The Gift of Sex: Owning Your Sexuality (3 to 4 hours) – presentations to college students
- Maximizing & Managing Your God-Given Sexuality (1.5+ hours)
For Parents
- Parenting Kids to Bring out their Best (1.5 to 2 hours) – examines parenting styles as they impact child-outcomes so that parents can be intentional about their approaches.
- Parenting Teens to Make Wise Choices (1.5 to 2 hours) – looks at parenting styles and guiding the transition from dependence to independence for pre-teens and teens.
- Teaching Kids about Sex (1.5 to 2 hours) – educating parents to model and teach healthy sexual attitudes and accurate facts to their children from infancy through adolescence.
- Menstruation Instruction (2 hours) – 4th and 5th grade girls and their mothers learn the facts and open up communication with each other – a sweet time for both.
For Pastors, Church Leaders, and Counselors
- Promoting Healthy Sexuality (or Talking about Sex) in Your Church and/or Community (2 to 6+ hours/or as needed). The Penners are convinced that Church is the best place to learn about sex so that we connect our sexuality with good and of God. They have created a model for the church and community in terms of who and what to teach at the various ages and stages of life.
For Physicians, Counselors/Therapists, Pastors, and Graduate Students in Counseling
- Counseling for Sexual Disorders (3 to 30 hours) – training to help professionals effectively access, identify and understand sexual barriers so that they can assist couples in overcoming sexual disappointments and restoring the pleasure of a mutually satisfying marital sexual relationship.
- Advanced Sexual Therapy (30 hours) – training of professionals who are preparing to be certified and function as sexual therapists. The attendees take an in-depth look at sexual dysfunctions and their treatments, applying to case studies what they have learned in pre-requisite courses.
- Identifying and Treating Destructive Relationship Patterns (2 to 6 hours) – training professionals to diagnose and treat critical relationship patterns that interfere with married couples finding mutual sexual satisfaction.
- Treating Disorders of Sexual Desire (2 to 6 hours) – training professionals to help spouses identify and break down their barriers to sexual desire, release their sexual potential and find mutual sexual satisfaction in their marriages.
- Male Sexuality: Advanced Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives (2 to 6 hours) – training professionals regarding male sexual function, dysfunction and its treatment that is critical to working with clients and their sexual issues.
- Female Sexuality: Advanced Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives (2 to 6 hours) – training professionals regarding female sexual function, dysfunction and its treatment that is critical to working with clients and their sexual issues – a special focus on dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia and unconsummated marriages.
- Your Personal Journey toward Effective Counseling and Teaching of Sexuality (2 to 6 hours) – training professionals to be effective in dealing with sexual issues and topics by becoming comfortable with their own sexuality, conversant with sexual terminology and confident discussing all aspects of sexuality and sexual activity.
- Ages and Stages of Sexual Development (2 to 6 hours) – training professionals regarding every age and stage as it contributes to a person’s sexual development. The degree of successful mastery of the developmental tasks of each critical stage of learning affects a person’s adult sexual adjustment – perception of oneself as a sexual person, ability to give oneself and form an intimate bond, freedom to talk openly about sexuality and to enjoy sexual pleasure in marriage.
If you would like to schedule a seminar or talk
Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner
Phone: 626-449-2525
FAX: 626-564-1250