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Talking to Young Children About Sex – From Better Moms Make A Better World

Lake Avenue Church - FL 201-203 (Rose Room) 393 N. Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA, United States

At MOPS/MOMSnext, women come together to share life and motherhood through speakers, discussions, all while enjoying a delicious brunch and receiving encouragement and wisdom from mentor moms.

Happily Even After: A Redemption Story Podcast

Bob and Dannah Gresh talk with Joyce Penner to get some gritty and practical advice for episode #6 of the Happily Even After podcast. In it, they talk about everything from female orgasm to pelvic floor therapy to the tender topic of abuse.

The Gift of Sex Audiobook: NOW 60% OFF!

Take advantage of this special discounted price on The Gift of Sex Audiobook! This revised and updated version features a new introduction, a section on addictions and the internet, and a timely discussion on sexually transmitted diseases and their consequences. With the latest information on sexuality and intimacy, this bestselling book is ideal whether you are newlyweds or have been married for many years.

Heaven In Your Home: Mentorship

The Penners offer both theologically sound and practical wisdom on sexuality, pleasure, desire and growing a thriving sex life throughout your marriage.

Dear Young Married Couple: Getting Real About Sex

Who says your sex life has to die when you retire, go through menopause, or when you reach ____ age? Dr. Cliff and Joyce Penner share insights into keeping your God-given sex life alive, fun, and adventurous.

Building a Passionate Love Life – Part 1

Sex therapists Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner share how pornography and casual sex have warped our view of intimacy, distorting God's intended design for sex to be reserved for and exclusive to a marital relationship.

Building a Passionate Love Life – Part 2

Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner share how husbands and wives have a mutual responsibility laid out in Scripture to love and respect one another, and how these concepts are foundational to a couple's sex life in a successful and fulfilling marriage.  Discover how you can fan the flames of passion and turn that emotion into deeper intimacy with your husband or wife the way God intended.