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Building a Passionate Love Life – Part 2

Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner share how husbands and wives have a mutual responsibility laid out in Scripture to love and respect one another, and how these concepts are foundational to a couple's sex life in a successful and fulfilling marriage.  Discover how you can fan the flames of passion and turn that emotion into deeper intimacy with your husband or wife the way God intended.

The Penners at the Institute for Sexual Wholeness – Advanced Sex Therapy: Dysfunctions

This advanced course takes an in-depth look at treatment for sexual dysfunctions.

Benefitting from their 85+ years of combined experience as sex therapists and trainers, students will develop an assessment tool for use in therapy sessions, present cases, and fine-tune treatment goals and techniques through class discussion, lectures, and case staffing with these expert faculty.

Healthy Sexuality

Prairie College 350 5 Ave E, Three Hills, Alberta, Canada

Kirk Chapel hosts renowned speakers Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner, who have spent their lives counseling Christians on “Healthy Sexuality”. With their combined education in psychology, psychosomatic nursing, and theology, the Penners have written several books, produced DVDs, and have spoken extensively on this topic for the past 45 years. Join them in Kirk Chapel or online at 6:30pm on April 11th. They will be engaging with student questions which will be texted-in in advance.

Discovering Greater Passion & Intimacy in Your Marriage

2 Rivers Church, AZ 326 E. Guadalupe Rd., Gilbert, AZ, United States

September 13, 2024 - 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm (PST) September 14, 2024 - 9:00 am - 12:30 pm (PST)Discussion Topics:Romance keeps couples connectedComfort with talking about sex is key to fulfilling dreams and resolving disappointments.Sharing and being heard will keep intimacy growingDelighting in each other sexually relieves demand and brings enjoymentSex will only be great when it is good […]

Divorce-Proof Your Marriage Summit: REWATCH

Misssed us in December, 2024?We believe this event can transform your marriage, position you for a future of relationship success, and inspire you to take the first steps toward creating stronger, healthier marriage. REWATCH available January 24 - 31, 2025!

Catch the Penners on the Savvy Sauce Podcast

Maximizing Sexual Connection as Newlyweds to Long Term Marriages and Recovering from a Sexless MarriageDr. Clifford and Joyce Penner are best known for their pioneer work in encouraging people of all faiths to connect their sexuality with their belief system ─ helping them embrace sex as good and of God. NEW EPISODE JANUARY 27 If the […]

Sexual Responsiveness and Responsibility

Prairie College 350 5 Ave E, Three Hills, Alberta, Canada

Join the Penners at Prairie College as they answer student questions concerning sexual responsiveness and responsiblity